How we can help you
Business Owners & Private Company Executives
Somerset Capital would like to hear from you if:
- You are interested in a confidential conversation with an experienced and impartial advisor about you, your business and your business ownership objectives
- You are considering or have decided to sell all or part of your business now or in the next 5 years
- You wish to acquire or invest in a business(s)
- You require independent support to clarify or determine the level of shareholder alignment
- You require capital (for growth, debt reduction, equity sell down, etc)
- You require hands-on-support / coaching / mentoring at a strategic or operational level
- You require a sounding board or external help for key business and investment decisions
- You wish to value your business
Somerset Capital works closely with your accountant, banker, lawyer and other professional advisors.
We begin our relationship with you as a client by developing a deep understanding of your goals and aspirations. Sometimes this includes providing support for challenging decisions you are grappling with around ownership, succession, strategy and value enhancement. Transactions are sometimes the end result of our role. We regularly deal with issues such as:
- Do you have clear ownership objectives?
- Are your ownership objectives aligned with your business strategy?
- Should you invest and grow, harvest or divest your business?
- Are you receiving sufficient rewards for your time, commitment and investment?
- What value enhancement options are available?
- How do you assess which option(s) to pursue?
- What is your business worth? What could your business be worth?
- How can you extract some cash but allow the kids to carry on in the business?
- Would your business be an attractive investment for others? How would it work?
- How do you prepare your business for succession or ownership change?
- What are your personal goals and how do they relate to your ownership objectives?
- You have multiple shareholders with different objectives and would like to work towards a common purpose
- You need a short term CFO / strategic / corporate development resource
- You are seeking a businesses for the family office / family members to own and operate
- You wish to invest or divest direct private equity
- You have just sold your business and require guidance regarding investment
Typically we find private businesses do not have the necessary internal resources with time to proactively deploy value enhancement initiatives, raise capital or seek out business acquisitions. We also find many business owners who prefer the perspective of an external and impartial adviser when discussing their ownership objectives and considering a business sale. Somerset Capital is focused on meeting these needs.
We are often requested as an impartial expert to stimulate thought and discussion on these matters at:
- Board Meetings
- Strategic Planning Retreats
- Budget Planning Meetings
- Senior Management Meetings
- One-on-one Meetings with Business Owners